
Showing posts from June, 2014

Tactics is Key!

Finally the Word Cup has started, a breathe of relief for us all. Loads of goals, yellow cards,  a lot of fouls, a few surprises from different teams and I bet it - we have not seen anything yet, time will unveil everything to us. This  goes to confirm the good old popular saying that football is not mathematics. I will be looking at an area which has always been a topic of discussion among African football fans and journalists.  The issue of local coaches versus the foreign expatriates or to put it in the popular African term " Technical Adviser ". I am not opening up a debate of who is better than the other -  after all Yeo Martial of Ivory Coast won the 1992 edition of the African Cup of Nations hosted by Senegal against foreign coaches and Stephen Keshi of Nigeria did the same over a year ago in South African.  The issue of success is not in question; but that our African coaches do not pay attention to some details that matter when preparing for games. When preparin

The Super Eagles So Far.....

The final list to Brazil is now out so we are all aware of  the players that are representing us in this years' World Cup . Never have there been so much anxiety with regards to the release of the final cut. Quite a number of journalists kept vigils in other to get the breaking news. Before the official release, there have been different versions flying around the various social media outlets. I can tell there was a list with my name on it as well (Joke).  Within the last few days, a particular person who I follow on twitter gave clues at different times of those likely to make the final list. Amidst all the doubt and suspense, the person proved too right when the list eventually came out. The final squad was announced after the training session, as stated by the chief coach Stephen Keshi, it was a tough call to come up with the final shortlist. However, making hard decisions come with the role Stephen Keshi has been entrusted with. Stephen Keshi pointing toward Braz