Post CHAN Championship: The True State Of Nigeria's Football
The CHAN competition has come and gone so it is time to reflect on the highs and lows; the positives and the negatives from a Nigerian's perspective. Before I lose you, the full meaning of CHAN is African Nations Championship. This is not to be mixed up with the African Cup of Nations which is the apex competition as far as football in Africa is concerned. The CHAN competition was set up by the previous CAF administration under Issa Hayatou. The whole idea is to offer a platform for footballers based in Africa to showcase their talents since AFCON is usually dominated by foreign-based players. ... back to CHAN 2018, according to various journalists who monitored the home-based team, they concluded that the preparation was not the best for the team. In addition to this, it was speculated that some of the best home-based players were not selected into the final squad. I can attest to this - I couldn't understand why Sikiru Olatubosun did not make the cut but hey, it coac...